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Table 2 Distribution of curve patterns and Cobb angles (n = 132)

From: Assessment of angle velocity in girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis


Observation group

Braced group



(n = 88)

(n = 44)


Curve type:



41 (46.6%)

10 (22.7%)



16 (18.2%)

9 (20.5%)



17 (19.3%)

9 (20.5%)


   Double curve

14 (15.9%)

16 (36.4%)


Cobb angle:


- At time of maximal angle growth

(1 year before menarche)

11.8 (SD 3.1)

25.0 (SD 6.21)


- At time of menarche

13.4 (SD 4.46)

24.0 (SD 12.28)
